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Understanding The Whole Bible


This is Dr. Welton’s most renowned course. Here he takes you from Genesis to Revelation and clearly explains the ancient covenants, the deep teachings of the atonement, and makes complicated end-time teachings simple and positive. This is the best course available for confidently understanding the King, His Kingdom and the New Covenant. Topics include:

1.     Disrupting culture

2.     Systematic vs Biblical

3.     How we got the Bible, Academic vs popular

4.     Filters: Calvinism, Dispensationalism

5.     Filters: Cessationism, Bible Chronology, 5 Covenants

6.     Translations, Study tools, women in ministry

7.     Noahic covenant Genesis 1-11

8.     Abrahamic covenant Genesis 12-50

9.     Mosaic covenant Exodus, Kinship covenant

10. Mosaic covenant, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Vassal covenant

11. Davidic covenant, Old and new testaments

12. Fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant and circumcision

13. Atonement theory

14. Atonement theory part two

15. BCT Law is love

16. Hebrews, covenant transition, Melchizedek

17. Four views of the end times

18. Matthew 24, end of the age

19. Matthew 24, end of the age, telos, aion, comparison

20. The Art of Revelation 

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