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dr. jonathan welton

The Bulletproof Husband: How to get rid of arguments, save your marriage and never feel emasculated again


Does this sound familiar? Your wife has been giving you signals to tell you something is wrong and one day, you wake up to a slap in the face. She says something along the lines of: I want to separate, I need some space to figure things out, I think we should divorce, I can’t do this anymore, I cheated on you, or the classic ‘I love you but I’m not in love with you.’So being the fixer, you start to: do research, go to therapists or marriage counselors, read marriage books, get advice from your pastor, church, family and friends....and you end up with more questions than answers:

Should I be pursuing her or giving her space?

Is it time to lawyer up or go to marriage counseling?

Why is she buried in her phone all the time?

How do I get her trust and respect back?

Why is she calling me a narcissist, a gaslighter, or needy?

How do I meet her unending needs?(It feels impossible!)

I’ve been right there with you and so have the thousands of men that have gone through The Bulletproof Husband online program.

The Better Covenant Commentary: Acts to Revelation


Dr. Welton's long-awaited BCT commentary covers from the Book of Acts to the Book of Revelation. While bringing Better Covenant Theology into focus throughout the NT, there are ten foundational presuppositions that the commentary is build on.

1. A quality understanding is the goal of the commentary

2. The context of surrounding verses will be considered

3. The historical context will be considered

4. The entire New Testament was written pre-70AD and the destruction of Jerusalem was looming in the background

5. A covenantal understanding will be applied throughout (5 Covenants, 3 types of covenant, BCT)

6. The New Covenant replaced the Old Covenant

7. The covenant transition from old to new is the backdrop to the New Testament (From the cross until the destruction of Jerusalem, 30-70AD)

8. The kingdom is here now and increasing

9. The supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit and the church continues

10. We are covenantal marriage partners with Jesus, our choices matter, we are not in abusive relationship where He controls us and all things

11. We will examine difficult and interesting passages in the light of the previous ten presuppositions

Understanding the Whole Bible: The King, the Kingdom, and the New Covenant


This textbook is the distillation of a nineteen-week course,
Understanding the Whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation
taught by Author and Theologian Dr. Jonathan Welton.

If you want to devour the Word, this textbook will give you the knife, fork and even tuck in your napkin and teach you how to eat!Topics include:

Learn the difference between Systematic and Biblical Theology

How did we get our Bible?

Translations and Study Tools

Freewill vs. Predestination

Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology

Cessationism and Supernaturalism

The Five Major Covenants: Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and the New Covenant

The Covenant Promises Fulfilled

God is Not an Old Covenant Monster

Understanding the At-One-Ment

Better Covenant Theology

The Great Covenant Transition

The End of AgeThe Unveiling of Jesus

The One Law of the New Covenant World

The School of the Seers: A Practical Guide on How to See in The Unseen Realm


Your how-to guide into the spirit realm!

Get ready to enter the world of a seer! In this groundbreaking and revolutionary book, Jonathan Welton describes his unique journey about how God opened his spiritual eyes. He shares how you too can activate this gift in your life.

The School of the Seers is the how-to guide for seeing into the spirit realm. Making insightful use of anecdotal stories, the author helps you discover vital keys from the Scripture to:

See with your spiritual eyes.

Use the four keys to greater experiences.

Recognize what may be hindering your discernment.

Access divine secrets and steward heavenly revelation.

Learn how to really worship in Spirit and in Truth.

Understand meditation, impartation, and so much more.

The fresh and profound concepts taught in this book take a mystical subject--seers and the spirit realm--and make it relevant for your everyday life!

Understanding The Seven Churches of Revelation


Revelation has always fascinated me. As a theologically curious seventeen-year-old, I read every Watchman Nee book I could get my hands on. Of them all, the one that most captivated my imagination was The Orthodoxy of the Church, a ninety- page work on the seven churches in Revelation 2–3. Yet when I reached the end, I felt stunned and disappointed, because I had wanted to understand what was going on with those historical churches in the first century, and Nee had not told me.

For the most part, those from a dispensational background, like Watchman Nee, spiritualize the seven letters into seven time periods of Church history without looking at the historical context. And those who are not dispensationalists typically ignore them. The reason so many people have overlooked these letters is, at least in part, because they do not think they are relevant to us.

In the years since my disappointment with Nee’s book, I have read other more historically thorough sources, and I have done my own research, including traveling to and touring the modern locations of each of these seven churches. In doing so, I’ve discovered an incredible list of connections between the cultural, geographical, and historical events of the first century in these cities and the contents of Jesus’ letters to them.

Now, many years later, I’ve written the book I wish I had read when I was seventeen and eager to understand what these beautiful yet cryptic letters were all about. Many commentaries on the Book of Revelation give the seven letters little to no coverage. Here, I am attempting to correct that oversight by making them the center of conversation. Though many have seen them as periphery, I believe these letters hold significant and relevant information that influences our understanding of the Book of Revelation as a whole and that holds practical relevance for our lives.

I hope and believe that what I share here will make these often misunderstood letters clear in the light of history.

Equipping the Equippers: The Handbook for Raising up Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers


The topic of the fivefold ministry - the apostle, prophet, teacher, pastor, and evangelist appointed by Christ to equip his church (Eph, 4:11) - was central to two movements in previous decades: the Shepherding Movement in the 1970s, and the New Apostolic Reformation in the 1990s and early 2000s. While both movements saw important elements of this ministry restored to the church, they also saw misunderstandings and abuses that prevented the fivefold from becoming more widely established in doctrine and practice. Yet a fresh wave of fivefold restoration is coming to the body of Christ and with it, fresh understanding about why this ministry is so critical to the growth, health, and success of both the local and global church.

The Art of Revelation


In this book about the Bible’s most misunderstood book, Dr. Welton gives the reader profound insight and understanding, yet in his warm casual writing style.

If you want to understand the ancient and mysterious book of Revelation,
this is the best place to start.

In this book you will learn that:

Understanding Ezekiel unlocks Revelation

Only three global events are mentioned in Revelation

Revelation contains a hidden writing style, which unlocks its secrets

Revelation is not written as an orderly sequence of events

The Whore of Babylon is not Rome or anything Roman

The New Jerusalem is not the same as Heaven where God is enthroned

New Covenant Revolution: Finally Burying Old Covenant Christianity


For many years, Christians and non-Christians alike have struggled to reconcile the seemingly conflicting depictions of God found in the Bible.

How can the legalistic punishing God of the Old Testament also be the loving Father that Jesus revealed in the New Testament?

The key to answering this question lies in understanding that the Bible is the story of God's covenantal relationship with humanity, and this story plays out through five major covenants. Once you understand these five major covenants, the entire Bible will finally make sense!

Eyes of Honor: Training for Purity and Righteousness


Open your pure eyes.

Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things (Philippians 4:8).

After struggling with sexual temptation for years, author Jonathan Welton devoted himself to finding a way to be completely free from sexual sin. He read books, attended 12-step groups, and participated in counseling—with no success.Spurred on by countless friends and acquaintances who shared a similar broken struggle and longed for freedom, the author searched Scripture—there he found the answer and shares it with you in a compassionate, nonjudgmental way.

Eyes of Honor helps you understand how to live a life of purity by realizing:

Your personal identity.

How to view the opposite sex correctly.

Recognizing your enemies.

Eyes of Honor is honest and refreshing, offering hope and complete freedom and deliverance from sexual sin. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and your salvation guarantee rescue from the appetite of sin. Your true identity empowers you to stop agreeing with the lies of the enemy that ensnare you.

The Bulletproof Husband: How to get rid of arguments, save your marriage and never feel emasculated again


Walk in the Power of Your New Covenant Inheritance! Even though many Christ followers claim to have received the New Covenant—salvation in Jesus—they are not yet experiencing the fullness of their New Covenant identity.

In New Covenant Culture, Jonathan Welton presents a Kingdom manifesto, calling every follower of Jesus into the deeply fulfilling and supernaturally empowered Christian life that the Bible makes available. Jonathan Welton calls all believers to embrace their full New Covenant identity:

Stop waiting for revival. Experience the signs, wonders and miracles of Scripture right now!

Stand firm in your identity. Fully embrace your unconditional acceptance into God’s family!

Walk in total freedom. Discover the liberating truth of how completely Jesus has set you free!

Pray bold prayers. Make powerful declarations that bring circumstances into alignment with Heaven’s perfect will!

Live with radical hope. Receive an optimistic vision of the future that overcomes fear associated with the “end-times.”

Discover what this supernatural lifestyle looks likeand access your inheritance today!

The Bulletproof Husband: How to get rid of arguments, save your marriage and never feel emasculated again


In this revised and updated edition of Raptureless, Jonathan Welton has taken a bold step in confronting one of the greatest "sacred cows” of our day: end time theology!

The fear created by the expectation of a coming antichrist and a great tribulation are keeping many believers in bondage. Many believe that defeat is the future destiny of the Church. As Jesus said, men’s traditions make void the Word of God. In his easy to read presentation, Jonathan dismantles many of the popular ideas in the Church about the end times.

His arguments are Scriptural, lucid, simply and powerfully presented. In addition, Jonathan provides fresh historical background for a number of the historical sources that he has quoted. Read it and be challenged. With this much evidence, the reader must make a decision.

The Bulletproof Husband: How to get rid of arguments, save your marriage and never feel emasculated again


By far this is the most unique book regarding the New Age Movement from a Christian Perspective. Jonathan Welton reveals the history of the New Age Movement from Swedenborgism to the Modern New Age, while demonstrating that each of the movements leaders originally had roots within Christianity. The New Age isn't a Christian movement, but it is a movement away from a Christian foundation.

Other Topics covered:

What is the difference between a Christian and a New Ager”

Are we to have showdowns like Elijah vs the Prophets of Baal?

How do we discern the counterfeit from the authentic?

Are you curious about what the Bible says about: The Age of Aquarius, the silver cord, necromancy, the Zodiac, ESP, Automatic writing, ectoplasm, and zombies? This book is for you!

From the forward by Patricia King: Jonathan Welton has done a tremendous job writing New Age masquerade. In it, he brilliantly discloses the biblical foundations that have been counterfeited in specific New Age Practices... In no way is this book meant to invite the reader to embrace New Age practices or the deceptive roots that lie beneath those practices.

The Bulletproof Husband: How to get rid of arguments, save your marriage and never feel emasculated again


As we move away from the legalism and heavy - handedness of religious Christianity, many New Covenant leaders have struggled with how to receive offering on Sunday mornings. That is why this book was written. With 52 short chapters, it can be followed year round and you can always feel prepared to take up a offering

The Bulletproof Husband: How to get rid of arguments, save your marriage and never feel emasculated again


Does this sound familiar? Your wife has been giving you signals to tell you something is wrong and one day, you wake up to a slap in the face. She says something along the lines of: I want to separate, I need some space to figure things out, I think we should divorce, I can’t do this anymore, I cheated on you, or the classic ‘I love you but I’m not in love with you.’So being the fixer, you start to: do research, go to therapists or marriage counselors, read marriage books, get advice from your pastor, church, family and friends....and you end up with more questions than answers:

Should I be pursuing her or giving her space?

Is it time to lawyer up or go to marriage counseling?

Why is she buried in her phone all the time?

How do I get her trust and respect back?

Why is she calling me a narcissist, a gaslighter, or needy?

How do I meet her unending needs?(It feels impossible!)

I’ve been right there with you and so have the thousands of men that have gone through The Bulletproof Husband online program.

The Bulletproof Husband: How to get rid of arguments, save your marriage and never feel emasculated again


Does this sound familiar? Your wife has been giving you signals to tell you something is wrong and one day, you wake up to a slap in the face. She says something along the lines of: I want to separate, I need some space to figure things out, I think we should divorce, I can’t do this anymore, I cheated on you, or the classic ‘I love you but I’m not in love with you.’So being the fixer, you start to: do research, go to therapists or marriage counselors, read marriage books, get advice from your pastor, church, family and friends....and you end up with more questions than answers:

Should I be pursuing her or giving her space?

Is it time to lawyer up or go to marriage counseling?

Why is she buried in her phone all the time?

How do I get her trust and respect back?

Why is she calling me a narcissist, a gaslighter, or needy?

How do I meet her unending needs?(It feels impossible!)

I’ve been right there with you and so have the thousands of men that have gone through The Bulletproof Husband online program.

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