


Welcome to Better Covenant Academy

Better Covenant Academy is dedicated to providing a comprehensive and engaging theological education. Our structured weekly program includes pre-recorded lessons, online assessments, interactive Zoom calls, and a vibrant student discussion board. Each course is designed to deepen your understanding of biblical and theological concepts, equip you with practical knowledge, and foster a supportive learning community. Upon completion of the program, you'll receive a certificate acknowledging your commitment and achievement. Join us at Better Covenant Academy and embark on a transformative journey of faith and learning from the comfort of your home.

Q1: Foundations of Faith and Theology

In the first quarter, immerse yourself in the bedrock of biblical knowledge and theological understanding. You will explore how culture impacts religious beliefs, comparing systematic theology with biblical teachings, and delve into the intricacies of academic versus popular theology. The journey continues with an examination of Calvinism and Dispensationalism, and a thorough exploration of Bible chronology and the five major covenants. You will also gain insights into the significance of translations and study tools, the role of women in ministry, and pivotal biblical events such as the Garden of Eden and the covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David. This quarter is designed to establish a strong foundation in understanding the Bible and its historical and theological contexts.

Q2: Advanced Theological Concepts and Eschatology

In the second quarter, deepen your understanding of complex theological and eschatological concepts. You will study Atonement Theory and Better Covenant Theology, focusing on the transition from the Old to the New Covenant as seen through the Book of Hebrews and the figure of Melchizedek. The exploration of eschatology will cover the Four Views of the End Times, Matthew 24, the Olivet Discourses, and the Book of Revelation, emphasizing the end of the Mosaic Covenant. Additionally, you will develop emotional intelligence, and learn about New Covenant leadership. This quarter aims to enhance your theological knowledge and prepare you for deeper spiritual insights.

The Better Covenant Academy Mandate

“He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.” Col 1:28-29

Leaders are meant to build fully mature people in Christ.

Jesus said “follow me and I’ll MAKE you fishers of men.

”Leaders MAKE people into something. It could be something good or bad, depending on the leader. But leaders MAKE people into something. A good leader is focused on conforming you to the image of Christ.

“For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son“ Rom 8:29

There are countless schools that will teach you Greek and Hebrew, or the sayings of Wesley, Spurgeon, and Calvin, or how to minister in the supernatural. But where is the school for conforming you into the image of Christ?

The school for growing you from a son or daughter into a Father or Mother in the faith?Better Covenant Academy is that school.

~ Dr. Jonathan Welton

Q3: Spiritual Growth and Practical Theology

In the third quarter, focus on spiritual growth and practical applications of theology. Gain a fresh perspective on divorce, and study the messages to the seven churches in Revelation, including Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. You'll examine conclusions and chiastic structures within these texts. The quarter also covers New Covenant prayer and prophecy, and teaches how to enter the spirit realm and release all your spiritual gifts. Explore the imagination realm and understand the interplay between spirit, soul, and body. This quarter is designed to help you apply theological principles to everyday life and spiritual practices.

Q4: New Testament Insights and Living in the Spirit

In the fourth quarter, explore the dynamic and powerful aspects of living in the Spirit according to New Testament teachings. You will study the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, supernatural healing, and spiritual warfare within the New Covenant context. Learn how to live and walk with God's favor and deepen your understanding of Israel. A comprehensive study of the New Testament books will be undertaken, covering the Gospels, Acts, and the epistles, including Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Timothy, Titus, Thessalonians, Philemon, James, Peter, and Jude. This intensive exploration aims to provide a thorough understanding of New Testament teachings and their application to modern Christian life, empowering you to live a Spirit-led life.

How it works

watch the weekly lesson

complete the assessment

participate in the discussion

Our school offers a dynamic and engaging learning experience designed to fit your busy schedule while providing comprehensive theological education. Each week, you will receive a pre-recorded lesson that delves into key biblical and theological topics. After watching the lesson, you will complete an online assessment to reinforce your understanding and track your progress. Additionally, you will participate in a weekly interactive Zoom call, where you can engage in live discussions, ask questions, and connect with instructors and fellow students. A dedicated student discussion board is also available, allowing you to engage in thoughtful discussions, share insights, and build a community with your peers throughout the course. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion, acknowledging your dedication and achievement. This structured yet flexible approach ensures you gain deep insights and practical knowledge, all from the comfort of your home.

Bonus Content

Better Covenant Academy includes an array of enriching bonus content designed to deepen your understanding and broaden your theological perspectives. You'll explore the prophetic significance of Daniel 9 and its five prophecies of the New Covenant, delving into their implications for today. Engage with the diverse interpretations in "Four Views on Hell," providing a balanced examination of this complex topic. Enhance your emotional intelligence with a series focused on developing this crucial skill for effective leadership and personal growth. Additionally, learn about the distinct characteristics of New Covenant leaders and the contrasts between living on Planet Love versus Planet Fear. This bonus content is curated to provide valuable insights and practical applications, enriching your spiritual journey and theological education.

Why Choose Better Covenant Academy?

In today's world, finding a comprehensive and rigorous theological education is increasingly challenging, especially in light of the recent fall of prominent leaders in the faith. Better Covenant Academy stands as a beacon of hope and integrity, committed to equipping believers with a deep and practical understanding of biblical and theological principles. Our program addresses these challenges by offering structured weekly lessons, interactive discussions, and a supportive learning community. We are passionate about empowering you to grow in your faith and knowledge, preparing you to lead and serve effectively. Don't miss this opportunity—join the class of 2025 at Better Covenant Academy and be part of a transformative journey. Enroll today and take the first step toward a deeper, more resilient faith.


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