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dr. jonathan welton

The purpose of news

"At its best, journalism has survived because it provides something unique to a culture: independent, reliable, accurate, and comprehensive information that citizens require in order to make sense of the world around them." (pg 21)


Journalism's first obligation is to the truth.

Its first loyalty is to citizens.

Its essense is a discipline of verification.

Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover.

It must serve as a monitor of power.

It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise.

It must strive to make the significant interesting and relevant.

It must present the news in a way that is comprehensive and proportional.

Its practitioners have an obligation to exercise their personal conscience.

Citizens have rights and responsibilities when it comes to the news as well, even more so as they become producers and editors themselves. (Pg 27) [Excerpts from The Elements of Journalism by Bill Kovach & Tom Rosenstiel]


In 1963, the CIA began Operation Mockingbird, whereby they manipulated the news and information distributed to the American people. This agenda has only spread further, until 2013, when President Obama removed the Smith-Mundt act which was to protect the American public from be propogandized by the government. It is now legal for government agencies to spread their desired narratives without accountability.

Alternative news

At this point, all "mainstream" news is controlled by the deep state machine and no longer speaks truth to power nor holds governments accountable. It is the mission of all alternative news, including Kingdom Truth Media, to speak the truth in the midst of an ocean of "fake news."

Truth, the bedrock of reality

Truth is the basis for all lasting endeavors. For thousands of years, from Socrates to Dr. Jordan Peterson, Philosophers have debated and searched for the truest truth. The foundation of all other things. The most important thing in this world.

In Science, the idea was that truth is testable, verifiable, and able to prove itself on repeatable tests.

In religion, the sacred texts were considered the standard of truth, whether it was the Bible, the Koran, The Book of Mormon, the Vedas, the Talmud, the written text was the unquestioned truth-foundation that spirituality could rest upon.

In Journalism, the main goal was to verify the facts and present the objective truth.


My observation is that the moral decay we observe in modern society comes from moving away from truth.

Philosophy has moved away from objective reality to “Personal Truth.” You get to make up what you want to be truth, or truth is whatever your feelings are telling you. Morals became relative, and the evolutionist’s nihilistic philosophy of “Nothing has meaning except the meaning you bring into it,” took over.

Science has been conquered by corporate interests to the detriment of humanity. Feeding the investments of Blackrock comes first, and truth and humanity are not even on the table.

In Christianity, a fluffy concept of “love and grace” has become the foundation and truth has been ejected. Any version of love and grace which isn’t rested solidly on the foundation of the truth, is a deception that will lead you down a road of destruction.

Journalism has been taken captive by the political left. A recent study from Syracuse University found that only 3.4% of journalists are Republican. This Leaning tower of Leftism has moved from verification into propagandization.

It’s goal is no longer to objectively present the truth, but to force feed the masses the “sanctioned truth” of the Gospel of the State.

These elements and many more, have led to a society not based in truth. A culture without a foundation. A people that have no compass and cannot tell up from down, wrong from right. Even the concepts of “Right and Wrong” are up for question. Who decides? Does right and wrong even exist when you are in a humanistic post-truth culture?



10,000 watts of blistering light of truth.

Journalists that speak truth and disclose the corruption and evil inside of our blackmail controlled political structures.

Scientists that search out the truth for the good of humanity, not for the good of the investors or government grant givers.

Philosophers that begin with the miracle of life and a gratefulness that we even have consciousness, then begin their search for the truth of how to live this life to it’s best end.

Christian leaders that recognize that the Bible is the Graphe(written) Word of God. Yes, Jesus is the Logos, but the Bible was given to us as the gift of God to provide us with correction and rebuke so that we stay on the right path. You may get to be on the planet for 8 decades, and try to figure out how to live, but the guidebook has been here for millennia, people have literally been burned alive to get it into your hands, and where it is followed, lives are blessed, where it is disregarded and disrespected, families and cultures are decimated.We must start again with this foundation.

There are two fathers. The Father of Light and Truth. And the father of lies. These two fathers are fighting for the soul of humanity.Jesus said it this way: “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” John 18:37

THE REASON JESUS WAS INCARNATED WAS TO TESTIFY TO THE TRUTH! Truth exists and there are two sides. I hope you choose to be on the side of truth, because it is one of the two options.

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